Our chimney planner in numbers


News, flue-blog

September 21, 2017
Our company has been dealing with the distribution of flue gas pipes since 2011 after several years of construction activity. As a result of the expansion of condensing technology and the ever-tightening of regulations within the profession, in 2017, with the collaboration of SAS software art studio and Bausoft Kft, we developed a unique planter an...
September 11, 2017
In our own investment we bought a new Wöhler DP 600 compactness tester. The modern equipment performs leakage monitoring of pressurized flue gas conductors, typically at a test pressure of 200 Pa. The test pressure value is freely selectable, so the measurement of the 1500 Pa that is about to be introduced and of the already standard 5000 Pa can be...
September 8, 2017
Autumn has arrived and winter is coming slowly, with it the heating season will start. It is not advisable to check the interference of our chimney, since besides the hormone and the falling leaves and other clogs, a small chimpanzee can also cause a great deal of trouble, as it may reduce the smoke discharge, may interfere with the flow in the chi...
December 30, 2016
Some gas fired even with the greatest care and regular monitoring can be dangerous - it is no coincidence that carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is one of the leading news in the heating season. What is carbon monoxide? Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, lighter gas than the air, and normally goes out through the chimney system due to the incom...
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